Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sunday Recap Week 3

Overall another successful week. Nothing earth-shattering happened this week, which is often the time the mind and wallet wander to expensive and calorie-rich solutions for filling the void and I am happy to say I resisted both.

Budget: Went a little over budget on groceries/food this week, but did not do a good job meal planning and had to scramble for some last minute dinner items. Hope to remedy this with better meal planning in the future.

Diet: Ate well during the week, had a big indulgence yesterday (let's just say it starts with "pepper" and ends with "oni"). Blew my weight goal out of the water (that was before the pepperoni...) for the week and started on a path towards meal planning.

Mood: My mood was pretty good. It was a long hot week with the prospect of a hurricane a-comin' (poor Earl fizzled before he got here) and the long weekend ahead. I was happy to see Friday at 5.

Speaking of the long weekend, I am enjoying myself over the beautiful 3 days I have off. Getting good rest, seeing great friends and finding some exercise where I can. More on that to come in a future blog post. In the meantime I am taking my own advice today and hitting the beach!

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