Thursday, September 9, 2010

I've Earned It!

Part of the reason I am in the situation I am in both financially and otherwise is my tendency to reward myself for rather mundane accomplishments with food or something I cannot afford and thus put on my credit card.

Did the laundry -- deserve an ice cream. Didn't tell off my boss at work -- let's buy that new pair of boots! And my personal favorite, went to the gym -- now go out for an expensive fattening dinner -- the double whammy!

Now that I have been living on a diet and a budget for about a month I have learned that I don't really miss those things and I am finding smaller healthier ways to reward myself.

Every time I go to the gym I put $1 in a jar. When I hit certain milestones I am going to cash that money in. At first I planned to use the money for smaller indulgences, a manicure or a knitting book, something to make me feel good in the immediate moment. I have reconsidered. I am going to save this money and all the money I get this year that is not earned (i.e. gifts, tax return, that lottery I still intend to win even though I don't play) and when I hit that final weight loss goal I am going to go somewhere. I don't know where yet, but I will be wearing a bathing suit.

Today is the first day of cashing in the jar. I hit the weight loss goal I had set for Month #1. I have lost 10% of my total goal. Since I have a year to meet the goal I am slightly ahead of schedule which is great as I accounted for plateaus and the holidays, so yay me.

Coming soon, how and where to save the money...