Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Hitting the Books

As part of my Debt Management Plan I have a 12 part self-taught course in Money Management and Finance to do. The course, unfortunately named "Making Cents" (I really hate puns), is designed to teach me the things most 36 year olds should (but likely don't) know about finances.

After the 12 Chapters there is a 3 part exam. If I pass the exam I get a certificate to send to the 3 big credit reporting agencies and I get a gold star (or the credit bureau equivalent) on my credit report.

There is a 6 question Pre-Test which I took this morning and I got 5 of the 6 correct. The one I got wrong was on mortgage brokers, an area I admit to having no knowledge of whatsoever.

It amazes me that in the 19 years of education I have gone through I have never once been taught this kind of really useful information. I can recite soliloquies from 6 of Shakespeare's plays, tell you what X equals in any basic algebraic formula, I can write a poignant argument against the death penalty and know that in a chemistry lab you should always add acid to water and not the other way around. None of my brilliant educators taught me how to balance a check book though.

Tonight I tackle Chapter 1: Organizing Your Financial Life. Stay tuned.

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