Financial times are hard for so many right now. The holidays are a wonderful time to give to those less fortunate. No matter how tight cash has been in the past I have always tried to buy some gifts for families in need of support at the holidays. It is easy to find a giving tree at local stores, churches, community centers and more.
Cash donations are always appreciated, but I really love to take one of those little ornaments with a child's age and wish on them. I love to buy and wrap the gifts and leave them knowing this child is going to get something they really want for Christmas.
In the past few years my assistant and I have agreed to not buy gifts for one another and instead to use that money for charitable gifts. It is a win win for both of us and does not put a crimp in our gift budget.
I have always been spoiled rotten at Christmas, it is just common sense to want to pay that forward.
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