Saturday, October 9, 2010

Book Review: Such a Pretty Fat

"Weight Watchers can kiss the fattest part of my ass." A Jen Lancaster Axiom

Thus begins Jen Lancaster's memoir Such a Pretty Fat: One Narcissist's Quest to Determine if Her Life Makes Her Ass Look Big, or Why Pie is Not the Answer. I have now read 3 of Ms. Lancaster's memoirs and must say I could relate to this one all too well.

This story of a woman discovering she needs to lose weight despite being happy and relatively healthy is honest and helpful in ways that diet books just aren't. Sometimes you do not need to be told what to eat and how to exercise, you need to be told that other people struggle and cry over going to the gym and eat a lot of cheese too.

Jen is likable and sympathetic, even when she is mean, and you want her to succeed, because if she succeeds there is hope for me.

The most interesting part of the book for me was Jen's foray into the worlds of Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers. What she discovers, more so with JC than WW, is that these people do not want you to succeed. They want you to stay fat and buy their products. With Jenny Craig the idea of eating primarily packaged meals is counter intuitive to a healthy lifestyle and wholly unsustainable long term. If you have to lose 15 pounds before a high school reunion, go for it, but if weight has been your yoke for life, don't get sucked in to the success stories.

Weight Watchers is a different animal, I have done Weight Watchers with some success in the past. Their current online tools are great (and Jen agrees). The problem comes with the in-person meetings, which are important as they give you a public way to be accountable for your weight loss, but can turn into very angry therapy sessions. A good meeting hinges on a good leader and I had a great leader when I went. She made the meetings positive and forward thinking, not regretful and bitter.

By the end of the book Jen had seen some results, 40 pounds on the scale, but more importantly she felt powerful and strong and able to control her health. For most women dealing with this issue that is where it is at. I don't care about looking good in a bathing suit, I care about being able to take care of my body long term.

You can check out Jen Lancaster online and definitely pick up one of her books, she will make you laugh at her and yourself.

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