Friday, October 8, 2010

The Best Laid Plans

I have not been very good the last 2 days. I have not made it to the gym and I have veered off of my eating plan, not badly, but off course and that makes me very nervous. Due to work and unexpected plans the past 2 days my carefully orchestrated schedule was all out of whack and the results may show up on the scale.

I run in to trouble, where most people do, when I let myself get too hungry and thus I eat something fast and possibly not as healthy. When I am rushed or stressed I think I deserve a treat and for me that has always been food. I suppose I could have had a high end purse problem, which would have hurt the debt but left me a little slimmer... but I digress.

Now the weekend is upon us and while I have plans for Saturday, my Sunday is wide open. A wide open Sunday generally leaves me with the urge to snack and bake, to fill the time with food.

I could make plans, but I really need a down day to myself. I have been busy and a day of watching bad TV and knitting sound great, I just have to find a way to not make a dozen cupcakes and eat them. And I need to sneak in a work out to make up for the 2 I missed this week!


  1. I say focus on knitting - you need both hands so you can't possibly eat at the same time.

  2. That is the plan, lots of knitting! I just went tot he Windsor Yarn sale yesterday so now I have even more projects to work on!
