Yesterday I wrote about the steps you need to take to ensure that those around you get on board with any lifestyle changes you are making en route to a healthier, more fiscally sound existence. Sometimes the people in our lives do not embrace the changes and problems can arise.
Generally these people fall into two categories: Enablers and Saboteurs
Enablers' hearts are in the right place, but their heads often aren't. They want you to be happy and if they know food or shopping make you happy they will encourage you to splurge. They love you the way you are and it doesn't matter to them if you gain a few pounds. They bring you scones in the morning and ice cream at night, suggest a weekend away you can't afford, but they do it out of love. Enablers are a big problem if they live in your house. If you see an enabler once in awhile you can manage the temptations, but if you live with them you will have to have a talk.
Saboteurs do not have your best interest at heart. Deep down they want you to fail and they will put up road blocks along the way, possibly under the guise of being an enabler. You have to suss out the saboteur, they can be killing you with kindness. Their motivations can vary, perhaps they are jealous that you are changing your life and they don't have the strength to do the same, perhaps they like the role that you currently play as the fat friend or possibly they are just plain evil. In any case saboteurs are not good for your evolution into the new fabulous you, ween them out of your life.
No one said making these lifestyle changes were going to be easy and with issues like health and wealth involved there is no way to not infiltrate every aspect of your life. You can not isolate these issues, they are a major part of who you are and require you to take a good long look at yourself.
Do you have an enabler or a saboteur in your life? How are you handling it?
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