Friday, January 21, 2011

Friday Recap: Week 3

The weather this week was much more conducive to sitting on the couch drinking cocoa and eating cookies, but I tried to fight that. Even in the worst of it I got out every day for a workout!

Diet: Last weekend was iffy food-wise, not terrible but could have been better, the week itself was an improvement. I got to the gym 4 times and during the terribly messy storm on Tuesday I walked to the library and home and it took so long and was so treacherous I considered that a work out on its own.

Budget: Definitely getting back to normal post holiday. Of course I am terribly bored most of the time :)

Mood: Resigned to winter and worried about a few things, but better than the previous couple weeks.

Next Friday is the first official weigh in since the holidays... yikes!

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