Sunday, December 5, 2010

Sunday Recap -- Month 4

One quarter of year one, so one sixteenth of my 4 year plan complete. Over all I am pleased with my progress. I am one quarter of the way to my weight loss goal and my budget, though a work in progress is working for me.

Diet: This is the first month of festive holiday time and my goal really is to maintain the weight I have lost between now and Russian Christmas. If I lose a couple extra pounds that would be great, but as long as I do not back slide I will be happy. Friday is my weigh in date for Month 4 and I think I will be a pound or 2 down. I have increased my workouts, both in intensity and duration and am really happy with my work out efforts, eating is a different story right now.

Budget: My budget just took a hit with increased health care premiums, but I will try to make adjustments within my household budget to accommodate that. Once the holidays are over I have to become a little stricter, not only with the gift budget, but the food and entertainment budgets.

Mood: I have been increasingly anxious the past couple weeks. The holidays can do that and the impending gloom of near total darkness as winter descends doesn't help. I am trying to keep my mind on festive things and I have a beautifully decorated apartment to relax in.

Time is a fluid concept. In some ways it seems like just yesterday that I started this life plan and in other ways I can hardly remember a time before this. That is good I think, my ultimate goal is to make this way of life organic to my being and not a "plan" that will be over in 4 years. I hope that what I learn about eating and budgeting will just be part of who I am when I'm done.

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