Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Why am I Not Skinny?

I love articles like this one that give easy-to-do tips for creating an environment of weight loss.

I do all of these things. I'm not sure my Britta pitcher would be called enticing, but I always have water handy. I only own 1 kind of vinegar, although I love all kinds. I attempt to banish junk food every week, although some seems to sneak in nonetheless.

I was happy to see #12 on the list, as I really want a blender and this gives me a good excuse to buy one. I already have a food processor, but I can't make smoothies in my food processor. What I would really like is an immersion blender with a smoothie cup attached, but I digress.

I am also a firm believer in #13 from both a weight loss and budget stand point. You should always have a meal or 2 in the freezer and while it should be healthy it does not have to be left overs, a couple Lean Cuisines do the trick and save you the money and calories of take out.

So, I do all of these things. Why am I not skinny?

1 comment:

  1. I really relate here! I get really irritated whenever I read "People who eat breakfast everyday lose more weight blah blah blah" because I eat breakfast every day. If I skip breakfast I might as well not leave the house, I would be a nightmare. Sure, I have those off moments too when I think "Of course, this is why you are fat/can't lose weight" but I would say more often than not I am doing the "right" things. It can be so, so frustrating. So easy to put on weight and so hard to get it to stay off!
