Thursday, April 7, 2011

When People Start to Notice

A woman in my class at the gym today loudly announced to the whole room that it really looked like I had lost weight. And, I have. I just shrugged and mumbled feeling very vulnerable and exposed.

How do you gracefully handle people noticing? It is a good thing, right? Shouldn't I be proud? Instead I just want to shrink into my smaller frame and skulk away.


  1. I try not to loudly draw attention to anyone's appearance - even if it's something positive - because I dislike when people do that to me. It IS embarrassing! You should be proud, but it doesn't mean you have to be proud publicly.

  2. My Aunt used to ask me every time I saw her if I had lost weight. I had not, in fact... was probably gaining. At first it made me feel insecure because attention was being drawn to my size! Geesh. But then one day I just said to her "Yes, I have!". And it felt great. Because you know what, it never felt great to say "No, I haven't." (cue Debbie Downer music). So now whenever anyone asks me that I say "Yes!" even if I haven't. Though lately it's true so it's an even better bonus! Try it :)
