Monday, May 23, 2011

Feeling Secure

I apologize for the brief hiatus, but sometimes life gets in the way of blogging and the past 10 days have been chock full of life, some good and some bad. The good involved a business trip that resulted in a new sense of financial security.

Those of you that know me understand how insecure my financial life has been the past few years. Like way too many people in this country my job has been in jeopardy and my salary cut significantly and threatened again and again. I know I am not alone in this, but as a single person with barely any savings it led to huge anxiety.

I left my business meeting on Thursday with a solid position and salary commensurate to what I make now. While there was no raise there is much better guarantee that the money will not be cut in the future. This allows me to maintain the budget that I have established this year and that is working quite well for me.

Also, since this is straight salary and not a commission-based salary there is room for merit raises in the future.

I had not realized how much of my life I was suspending in fear of another pay cut (or worse). I have spent the past few days wondering which of the adult ed classes I am going to take and stopped worrying about my lease renewal. I feel free in a way I haven't in years but I have to work very hard to rein in that freedom to not overspend out of relief. I need to channel all the good feelings into focus for the diet...

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