Coupons can be a great way to save a little money on groceries, household items and even clothes and electronics. Buyer beware though, sometimes those coupons will cost you more money or convince you to buy something you don't really need.
Groceries: 50 cents or a $1 off something you buy regularly is a nice little treat, but don't buy Ring Dings just because there is a coupon in the Sunday paper. Coupons can derail your diet by convincing you the deal is too good to pass up on pork rinds this week. At the same time if you see a coupon for something healthy that you have wanted to try this might be a less costly way of incorporating a new healthful food into your diet. Watch the sales and match your coupons up to weekly specials for even bigger savings!
Household Items: I live in a city with no Wal Mart or Target. Without these "Big Box" stores around I am forced to by all my household items and toiletries at drug stores and grocery stores. While the regular prices are generally higher, they often run good sales with their loyalty cards and regular coupons can be applied to increase savings. Beware loyalty card coupons that encourage you to spend X dollars to save Y. A "Save $5 when you spend $25" coupon is not really a deal if you were only planning to buy toothpaste and walked out with a bunch of unnecessary stuff to "save" $5.
Clothing: Kohl's, Macy's, JC Penny they all offer coupons (primarily to their credit card customers only). Make sure to read the fine print, lots of things are not included on the coupon including sale items some times. If you read the coupon and still want to use it, maximize the discount, buy that winter coat or new suit.
Electronics: Best Buy is always sending me coupons for 10% off, but only off full priced items and with lots of disclaimers. Read the fine print and the sale flyer, you might be better off without the coupon.
Grab tomorrow's paper and see what coupons are out there, use them wisely and they will help reduce your weekly costs, but don't buy the Ring Dings, you don't need them.
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