Saturday, August 21, 2010

Cheap Light Beer Taste Test #1

If you are embarking on one or both of my journeys it is best to have a friend or 2 along for the ride. Some people needed bigger support systems than others, so please find the right mix for you. If you need a Weight Watchers meeting, find one, if trading recipes with others online works, do that.

I have wonderful friends and many of them are helping immensely along this path already. One of them met me in the park last night for a long, relaxing, cheap and healthy picnic dinner. We then wandered to the local liquor store for some beer.

Alcohol is a bit of an enigma in the health care world. Some say a drink or two in moderation is perfectly healthy others think you should cut it out all together. I figure if I am going to live on a budget and a diet I am going to need a drink now and then, I am not a saint!

I like beer, a good handcrafted beer is a delicious balance of flavor, crisp and refreshing and very filling. When I am drinking beer at home I opt for light beer as it is, to quote the old commercials, "less filling".

My friend and I are going to taste test some cheaper light beer options and I will post my reviews.

Last night: Michelob Ultra
Cost: $7.43 for a 6 pack of bottles (I will be destitute before I drink beer from a can)

To quote my friend this beer "had a hop run through it" and when asking for another (now mind you we drank more than one) she asked for another "bottle of water". It was not very flavorful, but what flavor there was was not bad. It was refreshing and it was not filling at all yet provided the calming sensation that alcohol is renowned for. I would consider it again for a similar type of drinking occasion.

In addition to our beer reviews look for our Ramen price shopping comparisons, coming soon!

1 comment:

  1. There are worse flavors out there than water! As the friend here, I will say that part of the drinking experience is the company, and anything short of watermelon beer in a can (BEWARE!!), would taste pretty good in the right environment.For casual conversation and a chick flick, it fit the bill!
