Retail therapy is not actually therapeutic.
I used to shop for pleasure, but I now realize it was the same kind of instantaneous pleasure I got from eating an entire bag on mini Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. It felt euphoric for a bit and I loved everything I bought, but then the guilt would settle in and I would start to worry about the debt I had added to my credit cards and wonder how I was going to pay the bills.
A whole year with no credit cards and I never once had that feeling (about shopping, the peanut butter cups are still an issue). Everything I bought over the year (and believe me I still shopped) I paid for with cash, either budgeted or gift money, and I did not once feel guilty about anything.
Also, shopping is now a real treat. I plan for my shopping outings and try to make the most out of them. They are no longer binge shopping trips.
It is hard to isolate the things that happened this past year that have lead to my overall better sense of contentment, but this is definitely one of them.
That's fantastic! I think more of us should stop using plastic. I know I would sleep better at night if I planned ahead and use what I have for what I really need and want.